The latest research in anti-aging and regenerative medicine has been focused on senescentcells and the role they play...

Sep 15, 2019 | AMPK, Anti-aging, Brain, Detoxification, Energy, Microbiome, Mitochondrial, Stem Cell
The latest research in anti-aging and regenerative medicine has been focused on senescentcells and the role they play...
Jul 4, 2019 | Autonomic dysfunction, Brain, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic pain, Cognition, Compression, Detoxification, Dysautonomia, Energy, Exercise, Gut health, Microbiome, Mitochondrial, Musculoskeletal, Neurogenesis, Neuroinflammation, Nutrition, Regenerative medicine, Vagus nerve
The connection between our guts and our brains cannot be denied. While the relationship between the gut and the brain...
Jun 9, 2019 | AMPK, Autophagy, Brain, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Compression, Detoxification, Energy, Exercise, Mitochondrial, Neurogenesis, Neuroinflammation, Regenerative medicine
TEN Ways To Stimulate Autophagy What is autophagy and why do we need it? Autophagy is the cellular process by which...
Mar 10, 2019 | Brain, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Dysautonomia, Joint health, Mast cell activation syndrome, Microbiome, Mitochondrial, Neurogenesis, Neuroinflammation, Regenerative medicine, Traumatic brain injury
THE IMPORTANCE OF OXYGEN IN HEALING AND PAIN Oxygen is the most essential molecule needed for life. We can live for...
Feb 24, 2019 | Brain, Cognition, Mitochondrial, Neurogenesis, Nutrition
Can We Make New Brain Cells As An Adult? The human brain is known to develop from conception until about the age of 21...
Dec 26, 2018 | Brain, Cognition, Detoxification, Energy, Microbiome, Mitochondrial
Detoxification seems to be a buzz word these days. It is certainly a key phrase that gets people’s attention. But what...
Dec 4, 2018 | Arthritis, Exercise, Joint health, Mitochondrial, Musculoskeletal, Nutrition, Regenerative medicine, Stem Cell
We at CHN believe movement and exercise are a critical element of long term health. But if you are in pain, that can...
Nov 9, 2018 | Brain, Cognition, Energy, Gut health, Microbiome, Mitochondrial, Nutrition
Written by Carley Squires, ND, LAc There is a two-way communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract...
Sep 23, 2018 | Brain, Cognition, Energy, Mitochondrial
Whenever we talk about our fitness level we often refer to how fast we can run, how often we go to the gym, and how...
Sep 16, 2018 | Brain, Cognition, Energy, Mitochondrial, Nutrition
“Brain fog” is a phrase commonly used by patients when they are trying to describe a lack of mental clarity, a mild...